The Power of Crystals

Crystals are the essence and manifestation of beauty and life as they are created from the depths of the Earth. They are millions, if not billions of years old, possibly as old the Earth itself. In fact, in 2014, scientists found what they consider to be the oldest crystal in existence. This crystal, which was found in Australia and is now known as Zircon, is reportedly 4.4 billion years old.
Crystals are created by an intense amount of pressure, and as they grow and blossom from the darkness of the Earth, eventually become incredible channels of light, clarity and consciousness. Much like humans, crystals have their own unique properties, characteristics and personality and have the ability to store, amplify, harmonize, receive and transmit energy. Crystals grow in formations and emanate from the same source, a structure which is very similar in form to the double helix DNA strand, called a crystal matrix or lattice.
Just as the Earth itself is a conscious, living being, all crystals are alive. They may not be alive in the traditional sense, but anyone working with crystals will tell you they are tangible forms of universal life force energy and elemental consciousness.
Since the beginning of humanity, crystals have been used in almost every ancient civilization around the world. The Sumerians used crystals in tinctures and healing formulas. The lost civilization of Atlantis reportedly worked with crystals as an everyday part of life and a primary foundation of their culture. Even the Bible mentions the use of crystals over 200 times.
In Ancient Egypt, all walks of life worked with crystals throughout the duration of the empire. The use of crystals were mentioned several times in Egyptian mythology as a source of power and creation between Gods and Goddesses. Quartz was placed on the foreheads of those who had passed, as it was believed to help with their transition and ensure a safe journey to the afterlife. The Pharaohs and Queens of Egypt used crystals in their tombs and on their thrones. Women of Egyptian royalty including Cleopatra, crushed Lapis Lazuli and placed in on their third eye and pineal gland as it was associated with the Goddess Isis and used to promote enlightenment, intuition and heightened awareness. It has also been reported that the Ancient Egyptians used crystals on their heart to promote love and even used red crystals on their stomach or sacral chakra to become more sexually attractive to potential mates.
The Romans used Amethyst to assist with sobriety and created crystal talismans for good fortune, prosperity and abundance. In Ancient Greece, warriors would crush Hematite and cover their bodies as a form of protection and invincibility. In fact, the word crystal comes from the Greek work "Krustullos" which means ice. It was their belief that Quartz crystals were actually eternal icicles raining down from the heavens.
Crystals were widely used throughout Asia and India as well. The Chinese used crystal on the tips of needles for acupuncture; the Japanese widely used Jade in their homes and would gaze into crystal balls during meditation practices and to heighten intuition. In India, crystals are still widely used today for everyday purposes as well as throughout Ayurvedic medicinal practices.
Throughout their existence, almost all Native American cultures have used crystals as a path to enlightenment and a fundamental source of their ceremonial, healing and spiritual practices.
In our modern culture, crystals have revolutionized our technological world. In fact, crystals make up the foundation of most of the technology we use today. Our computers have a silicon chip inside that receives, stores and transmits electromagnetic energy. Stereos use Quartz to transmit frequencies and it is also what helps make watches so accurate.
Marcel Vogel, a scientist who holds over 200 patents and has won a Nobel Prize, has worked extensively with Quartz crystal. In his findings, he reported Quartz to be both a receiver and transmitter of energy. His work with Quartz crystal helped to redefine the power of working with crystals and helped further prove crystals are in fact oscillating at a high vibration, highly responsive and alive.
Nikola Tesla once said, "If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, you must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." All things in the universe are forms of energy with their own unique frequency and vibration. Tesla's theory is key to understanding the secrets in working with crystals as a healing modality and that certain forms of energy can in fact alter the vibrational resonance of other forms of energy. This concept is why crystals and stones are still used today in various holistic healing methods to help alter and reprogram the body and to enhance emotional, physical and spiritual balance.
Crystals are the most orderly, balanced, strong and cohesive structures on Earth. They are free of resistant patterns and are incorruptible. Quantum theory and science has proven that our bodies, specifically our brain and heart, emit electromagnetic energy. Imagine what one is capable of when they align their thoughts with heart felt emotion and then attune and program these thoughts, feelings and intentions into the high vibrational energy of a crystal.
Today, crystals are widely used by holistic healers and practitioners to align, balance and positively alter the vibration of the cells and chakras of the body. When holding a crystal and programming it with positive intention, you are applying the physical law of resonance and creating a larger vibrational field. It would be an exaggeration to say a crystal on its own can heal you, but rather, perhaps it is the power of your thoughts, plus heart felt emotion, positive intention and initiated belief when aligned with the high vibrational energy of a crystal that has the potential to heal.
It is my belief that crystals bring such beauty and bliss into our lives. Working with crystals requires a great degree of respect and openness, but with an open heart and an open mind, crystals can prove to be a powerful catalyst toward enlightenment. Consciously creating with crystals can help raise your vibration, connect to your higher self, and assist you in coming into deeper alignment with Who You Really Are.
Crystals are pure, vibrant, luminous, Divine sources of energy and are made up of some of the highest vibrational frequencies on Earth. Crystals are the essence of creation as they emanate life, balance, strength, structure and alignment in its purest form and in this way, help us to greater understand the nature of existence. Crystals provide an ability to synthesize the energies of which the entire Universe is comprised, as well as help us to discover and explore a deeper connection to all that is.